Great White Throne Judgement
The Last Judgment and the Great White Throne.The Last Judgment and the Great White ThroneQuestion#1: Hello Bob, Is there a short summary to describe:Tribulation and the Church. What does that all mean? 144,000 Who are they, and what does that mean, 1,000 year Reign,Great White Throne. Whowill be there, and what is going on? I know this info is available onyour site in detail, but am looking for a short summary. May God continue to Bless Your Ministry to encourage others.Response #1:The Tribulation is a seven year period preceding Christ's return.
Q: You said that all the people at the Great White Throne Judgment lack the one requirement needed for entry in to heaven. I assume you mean belief in the Gospel? A: Yes, and more specifically, they lack not only the forgiveness of God, but the gift of righteousness whereby we are declared to be as perfect/holy as God.
Great White Throne Judgement Play
TheChurch is resurrected when our Lord returns at the end of that terribleseven year period. The series,(please see the link),is devoted to all the details on this, while The Satanic Rebellionseries gives important information for understanding eschatology as awhole and is a recommended preliminary study.
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