Zelda 2 Palace 5 Map
Update to version 2.02Another MAJOR update to the script. Recently, Mato of Legends of Localization did a script analysis of Final Fantasy VI. Thanks to his efforts, in addition to Kwhazit's translation notes, TWUE was looked over for script errors and inaccuracies. Much thanks to BlazeHeatnix of RHDN for his massive help in bringing this update.
With this update, it still remains true to the projects goals, but is now a better version than it was before! Dispel's spell description and Environmental Science fixed. (thanks Merudo of ff6hacking). Zelda II Overworld Map Editor Beta 1Programmed by Shawn M.
Crawford sleepy using C#First Release - Beta 1This is BETA. There are some huge bugs but the program is functional. See the bottom of this readme for the known bugs. I was between classes at school so this is somewhat quick and dirty.
There is also some hassle when using it but I figured since I’m not sure when the next update will be I would release this to the wild while I update it in my free time.Usage:1. Run the program to launch the editor.2. Open the zelda 2 nes rom, Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link (U).nes3. The map is broken up into 9 sections, click Edit from the menu and pick a section to edit.4. Click the “Load” button and have some patience while the map loads.Map Editing:1. For map editing you can select the map tile at the top or use the “Tile Type” drop down box.2. After you have a type selected you can click on the map tiles that are loaded and it will change it to that tile type.3.
Ocean Palace Zelda 2
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is the second main installment of The Legend of Zelda series and the direct sequel to The Legend of Zelda.It was originally released on the Famicom Disk System in Japan and eventually on the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America and Europe.
After making your changes click the “Check” button and the program will make sure the ROM will not be broken. There will be a “Bytes Must Equal” and “Generated Bytes”. The “Generated Bytes” must be the same.The map bytes work like so if you get problems matching up total bytes:Number of Tiles:0=11=22=33=44=55=66=77=88=99=10A=11B=12C=13D=14E=15F=16Type of Tile:0: Town1: Grotto2: Palace3: Bridge4: Desert5: Grass6: Forest7: Swamp8: Graveyard9: RoadA: LavaB: MountainC: WaterD: Water (walkable)E: RockF: SpiderThe first bit is the number of tiles + 1, the second bit is the type of tile.Example: 85 would indicated 9 tiles of Grass and is 1 byte.4. After the bytes match up the “Write Rom” button will be enabled. Click this to update the ROM.5.
Load your Zelda II Rom in an emulator and check it out.Major Bugs in this version:Major Bug #1: Tile wrap around problem.The tiles that are the same on both sides of the map (far right and left) break things. Make these different or your overworld map will be broken. If you have an ocean tile on the far right, drop down a line and make sure there is not an ocean tile on the far left.0 = ocean or whatever tileX = whateverNo:XXXXXXX00XXXXX00Yes:XXXXXXX0XXXXXX00Major Bug #2: Beating a castle problem.When a castle is completed the castle is replaced with a mountain tile, the mountain tile is put on the map by a hard coded pointer, since the pointer will not point to the new location it is dumped in the hardcoded location which in turn causes the byte value at that location to be overwritten, which offsets the map.(example: 8 forest tiles are hex code 76. When a mountain tile is dropped in this 1 byte overwrites what was there, so now instead of 8 forest tiles we have 1 mountain tile in its place.
This means all tiles are shifted left 7 spaces because the 8 forest tiles are removed.Minor Bugs in this version:Minor Bug #1: When adding holes and palaces you can not enter them. Maybe next version.Minor Bug #2: If you overwrite a current town, palace, hole, cave, etc, it’s gone.Minor Bug #3: Error handling in this version is crap. Expect crashes.TODO:. Fix Major Bugs. Fix Minor Bugs / User Submitted.
Fix graphic in about screen. Fix pointer issues. Add ability to enter palaces, holes, towns, caves after adding them to the map. Implement better error handling. fix load/speedRequirements.Net Framework needs to be installed (3.5)Thanks:. Thanks for you checking it out. Thanks trax @ bwass.
org for his document on zelda II ( (D-M-Y)), it helped me with map locations in the romLinks:.
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While playing Zelda 2 the other day (I had to look at the map cause the game's so damn confusing) I noticed that some major areas in Breath of the Wild correlate quite nicely onto the Breath of the Wild map. There is a lot of this that make sense to me.
The first thing I thought when unlocking the Akkala map was that it looked extremely similar to the eastern island in AoL.I have also started to think that Gerudo Desert in botw could be Hyrule from older games, but the desertification process (which started already in SS) have engulfed the whole land. Thats why spectacle rock is were it is in botw; the mountain range dividing the desert from Hyrule Fields is the death mountain from previous games. (I know it is a different timeline so this doesn't make a whole lot of sense but the name makes sense to the location).Zelda 2 is in the downfall timeline and so is BotW. Geography has never been exactly stable in the series, so matching up exactly isn't needed. But the downfall timeline is the only timeline that has Link with the yellow stripe on his hat (which BotW gives you without dlc/amibo add one) and no ganondorf (only ganon shows up).Geography is weird without proper people doing it. A lake could represent an ocean, an ocean can be seen as the edge of the world, or other crazy things. The people in many Zelda games don't seem all that technologically advanced with BotW being the most advanced tech you get.
Zelda 2 Great Palace
Actually even in the real world, how you see things on a map is wrong a lot of times. Africa is a hell of a lot bigger than what a typical map will show, as is China and India. Not to mention even within the U.S the states are angled wrong for presentation sake.Take maps with a grain of salt, the people who made the maps within the games may have made some math errors and just showing things in the slightly wrong place. That's pretty much the weakest evidence in any game for timeline placement.Circumstantial thematic support, at best. But using it as your primary point of evidence is really not a good idea. Nothing says art style is exclusive to timeline branches.Other stronger pieces:.Ruto & Nabooru.Mindless Ganon, as you suggested.Hyrule has the Triforce.MS in the northern Lost Woods.Lynel.Hyrule brought to total ruinationProbably a handful of other stuff I'm forgetting. But most of those things are only remotely meaningful when taken as a whole, including the tunic style thing.
Individually almost all of them are totally meaningless. Wow okay.Let's go Zelda II = BotW for convenience. Rauru Town became the Rauru Settlement ruins. The forest area with the cave to the first palace became Great Hyrule Forest. Parapa Palace (where you get THE CANDLE) = Ketoh Wawai, the ruins north of the forest covered in darkness.
Ruto Town = Rito Village (really makes u think). How to make avast not run on startup. Midoro Palace/Swamp Area = Ridgeland Tower/Thunderplain. Saria Town = Somewhere between the Colosseum and Tabantha Tower.
Death Mountain = Gerudo Highlands. Zelda I takes place mainly in what's now Gerudo Desert (OR the Lake Hylia area, but I'm partial to the Desert). King's Tomb = Hyrule Castle. It's a bit of a literal stretch, but Island Palace could be the Plateau or Dueling Peaks instead of that random shrine. Mido Town was probably along the west side of the Lanayru Wetlands in the Crenel Hills.
Zelda 2 Palace 5 Map
Flooded Lanayru Wetlands is the part you raft across in Zelda II. Darunia Town= Goron City.
Maze = Maze. Nabooru Town = Akkala Tower area.
Maybe the tower was the keep of the city. The lake nearby is the same lake Tarrey Town is built on. Sea Palace = Way out to sea beyond the spiral peninsula. (Eventide is way too far south or it would work perfectly.).
Hidden Town of Kasuto = Fairy Fountain/Tingle Islands area. That huge lake you circled = Zora's Domain.Three Eye Rock Palace = That bay with the wind rock puzzle and the Lynels running around.Here's where things get a little funky. Old Kasuto Town, the Valley of Death, and the Great Palace go east to west, but Kakariko Village, Lanayru Promenade and Mount Lanayru go west to east, like a mirror image.Hateno could also be built over Old Kasuto, but that would mean Kakariko is built over the Grand Palace somehow.
The only part that didn't make a whole lot of geographical sense was Zelda 1 and 2's Death Mountain. The same region in BotW has no resemblance with Zelda 1 and 2's map.But the two Spectacle Rocks do match up, and the Death Mountain of the first two games was 'where Spectacle Rock is'; as of Breath of the Wild, the name Death Mountain has been moved to apply to a different place.And these maps are certainly pretty close. I particularly agree with liking how Darunia Town and Goron City are in about the same place!. I know it is a different timelineHuh?