Pan-os 8.0 Release Notes
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Samsung Note 8 Os
WF500-4473Fixed an issue where the root partition onthe WF-500 appliance reached its maximum storage capacity becausethe following log files had no size limit and grew continuously:appwebaccess.log, trap-access.log, wpcbuilddetail.log, rsyncd.log,cluster-mgr.log, and cluster-script.log. With this fix, the appwebaccess.log,trap-access.log, and wpcbuilddetail.log logs have a limit of 10MBand the WF-500 appliance maintains one rotating backup file foreach of these logs to store old data when a log exceeds the limit.Also with this fix, the rsyncd.log, cluster-mgr.log, and cluster-script.loglogs have a limit of 5MB and the WF-500 appliance maintains eightrotating backup files for each of these logs.
Fixed an issue where a small percentageof writable third-party SFP transceivers (not purchased from PaloAlto Networks®) stopped working or experienced other issues afteryou upgraded the firewall to which the SFPs are connected to PAN-OS8.0.8 or an earlier 8.0 release. With this fix, you must not rebootthe firewall after you download and install the PAN-OS 8.0 baseimage until after you download and install the PAN-OS 8.0.9 release.For additional details, upgrade considerations, and instructionsfor upgrading your firewalls, refer to the.
Thinking about upgrading your next-gen firewalls and Panorama to PAN-OS 8.0? Before you begin, make sure you review the release notes to learn about known issues, issues we've addressed in the release, and changes in behavior that may impact your existing deployment. PAN-OS 8.0 is the colossal release you’ve been waiting for! Arm yourself with the latest in threat protection capabilities including the following key features.