Fleshpound Killing Floor 2

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Fleshpound Killing Floor 2 7,0/10 6322 reviews

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Okay, so technically Scrakes and Fleshpounds are Zeds, but no one actually thinks of them that way. There are a few new faces in the swarm of undead Horzine experiments - and a few familiar ones that require new tactics to kill. This guide will go through them all - from the down-and-dirty basics of.

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What is mild humour to you may well be deeply offensive to others. DescriptionOvertime you've grown stronger; we gained access to weapons cache's, upgraded gear, developed new tech and even found lost artifacts of power to counter the endless waves of clones. Well we weren't the only ones who've been upgrading. Kevin has been busy, he's brought something new along, oh it's happened before, you know him as the Husk, and you know how to deal with him. This time though, this time it's different.

Refined technology to counter a unrefined nature, a temper that out matches even the Fleshpounds berzerker rage. Once that switch is flipped even a raging fleshpound runs for cover. Funny, those two may have made a cute couple had things been different. Well I hope your new toys are up to the job because she isn't going to hold back.- Trader just before last orders.DetailsNew custom ZED for Killing Floor.

A Female Fleshpound, she isn't simply a a reskin, she has custom behavour and values to set her apart from the Fleshpound. She may be weaker, yet she is faster and a damn sight more pissed off.Behavour -. She rages from damage 300, but only if received from a single hit. She rages from any hit, if her health dropped below 50% (75% on Sui/HoE).

Just like Scrake. She calms down only after hitting her enemy (zeds and blocking players excluding).

On Hard difficulty and below, her rage stops even if she missed the hit (player managed to evade it). On Suicidal, she calms down only if hit was successful (enemy took a damage).

Like Super FP. Delete sandisk secure access. On HoE she calms down only after killing the enemy.Spawns -. Long Game - Waves 6-10.

Med Game - Waves 4-7. Short Game - Wave 4Base Stats (Normal Game)Health - Body 1100 Head 600Health Scaling +30% per playerDamage - 30Movement speed 140 Raged 322MediaConcept Artwork. Got it to work properly this time.Some observations:- I still have the problem where her legs stops moving when playing the 'hit' animation- She doesn't move her lower torso / legs when attacking while stationary.- Minor While i can dismember her when she's alive, i cannot do so when she's a corpse- Smoke while raging is a nice touch, but a bit too thick and distracting. I suggest toning it down a bit or tweaking the alpha a bit.Some of the animations do look a bit crappy. I'll see what i can do.

Also the bra doesn't properly match the other textures. I'll update it too.EDIT: Wouldn't it be cool if her eyes glowed too? Might make her a bit more creepy.

Fleshpound Weakness

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